The Atomium in Brussels

The Atomium was in 1958 the main pavilion and the icon of the Brussels World Fair, the Expo of 58. It symbolized the democratic desire to keep the peace between all people, the belief in both technical and scientific progress and ultimately it was the expression of the optimistic view of the future of a new, modern, and super-technological world that should give people the chance to have a better life.

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In addition to the symbolic value of its history, the Atomium has also become one of the icons of the city of Brussels, the capital of Europe, with which it stands on very good terms. Since the magnificent restoration (2006), what many call the most Belgian monument is also a museum with permanent collections and temporary exhibitions.

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The monument is 102 meters and 70.5 centimeters high (the diagonal of the cube). The ground plane is a hexagon with a diagonal of 94 meters. The nine spheres, which have a diameter of 18 meters, each consist of 48 triangular plates 1 mm thick. You can find the Atomium at this address: Atomiumsquare, Brussels.